Google always try to give newer and better ways to search for users. There is a new test that is been carried out by Google. This
Google test is available only to selected people. The test they are running is to improve the user interface and to improve the user experience.
The above screenshot shows the new look of the search result 'Twitter'. Each search results are separated and more distinguished. Google is also trying to refine your search results as much as possible to give you a better experience.
If you are looking for a job in certain area, you can refine your search for a particular location as well as for a function.
One more addition to this new interface will be addition of 'Remove Result'. If you like to omit a particular result from the list, you can choose 'Remove Result' so that you don’t need to see that result again in search result. This feature is already available if you are signed in, but Google is trying to make it better.
There are mixed views about this new change in the world of
search engine news. One of the drawbacks of this new look is that it gives less information on the screen and this might bring in a need of more scrolling. These new changes in Google are only under test phase and hence there is no scheduled date when they'll be rolling out these changes globally.